Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Cheap Car Insurance Quote

Author: Brent A. Kenny
If you are seeking a cheap car insurance quote there are recognized steps to take that will result in you obtaining the cheapest car insurance quote possible for your car and your circumstances. Many people honestly believe that auto insurance companies are doing their best to provide them with the cheapest quote they can, and trust them to do so. They are both right and wrong.

A company will provide you with a cheap quote if it is liable to make them money. That is the purpose of any company: to make money. They are not philanthropists and like any other company are in existence only to make money. If they feel that they can make more than the average quota of money from your premium then they will offer you a bit back.

Therefore, if you hear of somebody who has found a fantastically cheaper car insurance quote than you have been offered, then that is because their circumstances are different to yours. So what could be different? Perhaps they have never made a claim from previous policies. Perhaps their car is older than yours and they have declined collision and comprehensive cover. Perhaps their company have an agreement with the insurance company they deal with for their car fleet for cheap auto insurance quotes for employees. Perhaps . . .

There are so many perhaps's that you are probably best to ignore the deals other people get and concentrate solely on what you can get. You should listen to their experiences with various ins companies, such as their willingness to pay out on claims or their speed in providing a courtesy car in the event of yours being damaged, but pay no attention to what they pay because their circumstances are different.

So what affects whether or not you can get the cheapest quote going? What are these circumstances that can make so much difference to whether or not you get a cheaper policy than the next guy or gal? They are basically common sense, and if you can't work it out for yourself then you probably don't deserve a cheap car insurance quote.

Do you have all the car safety features fitted in your car? Stuff like air bags, not only for you but for your front and rear passengers? Are their also air bags on the sides of the doors to protect you from side collisions? Do you have ABS braking that doesn't lock when you hit the brakes, or a burglar alarm and window etching with your number plates? If so you can likely get your quote reduced.

Never accept the first quote given - that is Rule Number One in the book of cheap insurance seeker's rules. Compare cheap car insurance and keep something up your sleeve, even if it costs you. If you agree to pay $500 deductible your premium cost will be reduced, but don't tell them that till after your initial quote, or it will likely just be the same as if you didn't mention it. $500 might seem a lot, but that's your estimate of what you can afford to pay calculated against the likelihood of you having to pay it.

There are lots of other variables that you can use to reduce your premium such as dropping the collision cover and going third party, or simply that you are willing to switch your other insurances to the same company, such as house and travel insurance for example. How about simply buying it online: most companies offer a discount if you purchase your auto insurance online.

Whatever way you achieve it, a cheap car insurance quote should be easy to get if you know the right steps to take. Ins companies will give you a serious discount if they believe that you are less likely to make a large claim than the next guy.

Author: Brent A. Kenny

Copyright 2007 - Brent A. Kenny. All Rights Reserved. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active.

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